875 Sq Ft 2BHK Contemporary Style Home and Free Plan, 13 Lacks
875 Sq Ft 2BHK Home and Free Plan, 13 Lacks

Total Area : 875 Square Feet
Budget : 13 Lacks
Sit out
Living room
Dining area
2 Bedroom
1 Attached bathroom
1 Common bathroom
Most people make sure that a detailed budget is prepared before beginning the construction of their dream dwelling. This quaint house of 875 square feet has all the modern facilities and flaunts unique design element. The exteriors designed in the box style pattern, with flat roof, looks amazing. The house has all the comfortable facilities required for a four members family. The elevation of the house in contemporary style.
The show wall adds a designer element to the exterior. It has all the facilities needed to make living comfortable within the parameters of 875 square feet. This house plan could be afforded easily by anyone. The home consists of two bedrooms in which one of them having attached bath facility. The dining area is placed exact side of the home that having easy access from both living room and kitchen. A small sit out also incorporated in this design.
A common bathroom is generously large, you can easily have even a bath installed in it. A semi partition given between formal living and dining area. The modular kitchen has a outside work area that is almost as large as the kitchen itself. There are enough openings and long windows through which the enchanting beauty of the nature is felt inside. This house suite well in local terrains where long square plots are more common to exit.