900 Sq Ft 2BHK Contemporary Style Double Floor House at 3 Cent Plot, 20 Lacks
900 Sq Ft 2BHK House at 3 Cent Plot, 20 Lacks

Total Area : 900 Square Feet
Location : Cheruthuruthy, Thrissur
Plot : 3 Cent
Owner : Shibu
Budget : 20 Lacks
Design : B.P Saleem
Bee Pee’s Designers
Cheruthuruthy, Thrissur
Mob : 9847155166
It is a 900 square feet double floor house designed by Bee Pee’s Designs, Cheruthuruthy, Thrissur. The front elevation style of this house is more attractive and beautiful. Small pergola designs kept up on the sit out and balcony. Natural color painting makes more decoration among the exterior. Fusion of modern classic interior decoration makes this house unique and more stylish.
Another unique feature of the house is that it provides different views of the exteriors from three sides. Each of the bedrooms in this visualization have their own distinct personality, from floor treatments to bright wall cover-aging encouraging individual expression. Each bedroom has its own attached bathrooms. This construction of the 900 square feet house which stands on a 3 cent plot was completed in 6 months. The cost of construction including interiors and semi furnishing cam to 20 lacks. This is a 3BHK Double floor house design.
The main area of the house is its hall, which includes the specious dining area and staircase. The bedrooms and kitchen are designed in a simple manner. This also makes cleaning and maintenance an easy task. One bedroom, upper living area and open balcony on the first floor. The frontage of the house is dominated by the living room with clear glass façade to give a feel of an open home. The kitchen is having all modern facilities with purposefully designed wardrobes. It also has a work area connected to simplify the work load in your pantry kitchen. For knowing more details about this house, kindly contact the designer.