With home owners becoming design conscious nowadays, it is crucial for the kitchen design to be exciting as well as functional. Ensure the kitchen is well it, and the space has high-tech tools and easy to reach shelves, experts suggest. Here are some tips to make cleaning counters, disposals, range hoods and more faster than you ever thought possible. While its best to rinse your dishes after eating, even if you don’t wash them immediately, beware of leaving dirty dishes in the sink over night.
Keep your home clean and hygienic and make sure you go to sleep with an empty sink and a clean kitchen. Most of the sports and smears that appear on cupboard exteriors on a daily basis can be handled simply with a soft cloth and warm, soapy water. Regular dusting with a lint-free cloth or duster helps to prevent this combination of oil and dust from forming that sticky, hard to remove reside-which, when left undisturbed, attracts even more dust ! Cleaning counter top is fairly easy if you wipe up stains regularly. The type of substance you use depends on your counter type. Always use a gentle cleaning pas and remove stains as soon as possible.
Here are 8 tips to keeping a clean kitchen that will help you and your kitchen stay organised and beautiful.
1. Clean off your counter tops :-
Having empty counter is a great way to keep a kitchen looking neat and organized and it also gives you more space for food preparation and other work.
2. Clean up after meal :-
Meal preparation and eating can make a mess in the kitchen. One of the best ways to keep your kitchen clean is to clean food and dishes after each meal. And you have a clean kitchen to work with at of your next meal.
3. Empty the dish washer when the cycle ends :-
A Full dishwasher can mean that dishes start pilling up in the sink, and this makes for a messy kitchen. To avoid this, empty the dishwasher when the dishes are clean and all the dishes to their proper places.
4. Keep kitchen cleaning supplies visible and accessible.
5. Clean up spills right away.
6. Clean floors last along with all hard flooring surfaces.
7. Wipe down appliances.
8. Instead of throwing your food scraps on to the counter, its much more efficient to place them in a dedicated compost bowl. After you have been cleaning for a while you will become more efficient and will be able to do a through cleaning in a lot less time.