A beautiful house on a low budget. The 500 to 1500 square feet house has 2 or 3 bedrooms and an attached bathroom for domestics. The small sit out with wall cladding’s is a striking feature of the elevation. Other contemporary attraction is the bay windows in the roof. The main entrance has been paved with inter-locking tiles. A mix of ultra modern and contemporary this 500 to 1500 square feet houses.
The tile-laid sloping roof complement the look of the structure. Almost all the major floors have been done dusting vitrified tile. The small, yet modern contemporary structure cost only 10 to 25 lacks. The house has lavish facilities even though a big sum was not earmarked for construction. It boasts of 2 or 3 bedrooms, sit out, family living room, a dining hall, a store room, kitchen and a work area.
The front elevation designs was conceived by Mr Home Designer, who designed the structure and chalked its layout. While the front elevation is modern, a view from the sides gives it a contemporary simplicity and elegance. The dining space is in the open style. A six seater dining table here. The kitchen is simple and a storage unit is built in plywood with a wooden finish. The two or three bath attached bedrooms have in built wooden wardrobes. The entire house follows a minimalist style.